

Damn I love Portland.

I just came back from what may have been one of my best weekend vacations in a long time. Lauren, Travis and I decided to get away together and picked one of the best cities to do it in. 

Great food, great beer, great people, great beer, cute boys, great beer, stripperaoke, great beer. I rarely feel so at home in a city I’ve never lived in. But it’s because I’ve been really lucky to have growing friendships with some awesome people who live there. 

It’s been so unexpected and so lovely. I really cherish the Portlandiers in my life. And I have a special place in my heart for the small ones: Penelope, Sabine, and Claire. These three little girls just made my weekend next level.  I am the first one to appreciate what an epic party can bring…and I do. But, having an impromptu backyard dance party or a french fry speed eating contest with an awesome little girl trumps it. Those moments when kids let you in their world are just amazing.

On the car ride after dinner Friday night, Penelope shared her headphones with me and sang along with Taylor Swift and Katy Perry as we drove back to my hotel. Now, those artists wouldn’t be my first picks for a musical digestif, but when someone wants to share music with you it’s always a sweet moment. And when that someone wants to sing along too? Even better. And when that someone is a ten year old girl who just makes your day that much better every time you see her? Beautiful. 

This weekend in Portland was filled with some pretty amazing moments. But sitting in the back of the car with Peeps, listing to this song together, and having her softly sing as it played, gave me this incredible moment of joy…that’s going to stay with me for a long long time I think. 

Lord Know | Dum Dum Girls

Lord Know | Dum Dum Girls