

Make Me Fade | K. Flay

Make Me Fade | K. Flay

Friday I went to my first show of the year at The Fox. And I finally felt back to normal. This year has been off to a rough start.

January didn’t even feel like it existed. I had the cold that never ended, that turned into the flu, that turned into strep throat. Yeah January rocked.

February felt like I was just playing catch up. Trying to get back into the groove of work, back into the groove of working out, back into the groove of spending time with friends, and back in the groove of going out. I must have I did a pretty good job because I finally feel back to normal. And this weekend kind of solidified it.

I went to see Geographer at The Fox. As I was watching one of the opening bands, i stated thinking back to when i wrote for the Owl Mag…and then ran into an old friend from ‘the parliament’ who just moved back to SF. It was one of those erie awesome moments that make you realize you’re right where you’re supposed to be in that moment. I LOVED the next opener after just a few songs. And when she got to the middle of her set, she played a song that I’d been playing on my headphones on repeat for the past month (this song). For some reason I never paid attention to the artist of that song or to the openers that night. But when that song played. I had one of those moments again.

I loved that show so much. Partly because i think I really needed it and partly because i didn’t even realize i did. The last time I was at The Fox, it wasn’t a good time. In fact it was one of the worst nights of my life. That night I found out that my “boyfriend” was cheating on me and it kinda ruined a new friendship, my love for St. Vincent (the band we were seeing), and my love for The Fox. That last one may have ben the hardest.

The week before, I had been at The Fox dancing and singing to an amazing Childish Gambino show with three of my best friends. A while before that I saw She & Him with some new friends that after that night became my close friends. The Fox had been this magical place for me that felt like home at every show. But in that one moment that magical place that made me smile made me cringe. And I never really went back.

But this weekend I did. And I had a great time. Because this weekend, The Fox felt like home again. This weekend, The Fox was this magical place that made me smile.

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Pressure | Milk & Bone

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