Tough Love (Cyril Hanh Remix) | JessieWare
I’ve always hated the phrase Tough Love.
I’ve hated it because I hated what it was usually associated with: People telling you something without kindness or compassion because they think it’s what you need to hear. People choosing harsh words because they feel it’s for your own good.
I always thought that was just bullshit.
So I’m redefining Tough Love. From now on, Tough Love is not going to be the phrase that describes not making the effort to choose the words that reflect the care and love you have for someone. From now on, Tough Love is going to describe the resilience that love has. Tough Love is going to relay the strength love displays by withstanding so much shit and not diminishing.
Because I see that Tough Love all of the time and it always make me smile.
Wednesday night, I hung out with a bunch of fellow SoulCycle riders to celebrate Jessica’s birthday. I met Jessica in SoulCycle when our instructor (the lovely badass Ms. Lauren McHale) told us to pick someone in the room to be our spirit animal for that ride. I picked this another lovely badass who always rocked it out in previous classes. At the end of class I went up to her and told her that she was my spirit animal. She jumped and told me I was hers. And…well…that was it.
On Jessica’s birthday, i learned more about Jessica, JLo, Amanda, Lauren, Lana, KiKi, Stephanie, Emily, Jess, and other lovely badasses. That night I discovered how incredible they were. I saw everyone let go of anything that had held them down and laugh, drink, dance, and fill Jessica’s birthday with love. That night I got to see what real Tough Love is.
And it was fucking beautiful.