

Hard Times | Sundark

Hard Times | Sundark

Tomorrow I’m heading out to the Mendicino Woodlands for Food Madness and I can’t wait!!!!!

Food madness is my favorite party. Food, drinking, booty dancing on the table, unexpected attacks by boys ages 4-7, bourbon fueled team building activities…it’s a good time.

I just love this trip. The woodlands are so incredibly beautiful. It’s awesome place to just be with your friends. To sit by the fire and read while someone lays down track after track. To go on a hike where there’s laughter followed by silence and then laughter again. To watch the boys play baseball outside during the day and hover around the radio to listen the game at night. To play Egyptian rat screw with a vengeance  And to sit around a huge table eating, drinking, and laughing, experiencing the kind of family meal that only happens here.

This is it for me.

This is the weekend that makes me so happy to live where I do and to have the friends that I have. This is the weekend that I would want my grandkids to experience if they wondered what I did when I was their age. 

This is weekend when shit gets real in the loveliest of ways. 

F.Y.I.T.A | The Outhere Brothers

F.Y.I.T.A | The Outhere Brothers

Cheerleader | St. Vincent

Cheerleader | St. Vincent