Romeo | Yelle
This morning I got up at 5:30am to start cooking 10lbs of chili braised short ribs for my company’s thanksgiving lunch feast.
I was tired as fuck and I made a mess but it was pretty great.
I cooked, I listened to the NYTimes Podcast crew debate the legitimacy of the billboard charts’ use of data, I sweated on my Peloton, paid my bills, did work, and then carried 10lbs of short ribs to the office.
And I now I know two things are certain after today:
1) There is a high that comes from cooking for people and watching them enjoy what you make, no matter how little sleep you’ve had.
2) When that high ends (around 4:18pm) listening to this Yelle song on repeat will give you the pick up you need to make it to the end of the day.