Snakadaktal | Dance Bear
I’ve been having trouble sleeping again.
I wake up in the middle of the night, and just lie there, with the same trying thought going through my head…making going back to sleep impossible. It irks me. But it’s not the not sleeping part. It’s the the one thought part. It’s the fact that I can’t get this one thought out of my head.
I have shit-tons of shit running around my head everyday, but this one bothersome thought is that sticks?! This is the one that keeps coming to the forefront? I feel like my brain has turned in to what I hate most about CNN; When you turn it on to see what’s happening in the world and while some correspondant is talking about politics, the crawler at the bottom of the screen repeatedly flashes something insane like “Honey Boo Boo’s Mother Arrested for Molesting a Flip Flop”. And you think: Are you fucking kidding me?! This is what you’re showing me?! This is what you think is news?! This is what you think I should know about?!
Starting each day off like this is exhausting. And I feel like I spend the next few hours playing with a toddler. A toddler who’s dead set on playing with a noisy annoying toy no matter how you try to distract them: “Look! A teddy bear!” “Look! Legos!” “Hey! Who’s ready for nap time?!” But no. That little bugger goes for the lights-flashing, siren-blaring fire truck every single time.“
But it’s okay. But eventually the toddler wears out. and goes to sleep. And when they wake up, they’ve forgotten all about that fire truck…and leave it in the corner as they find something new to play with.