

Promises | Ryn Weaver

Promises | Ryn Weaver

I’m loving this track right now.

There’s something so hopeful and sweetly heartbreaking about it that really resonates with me. I was listening to it on the way to work this morning and put it on repeat. I don’t know why but this song is just getting to me.

Well…I know why. 

I feel like say these words all time without actually saying them. I feel like I have the best intentions but somehow I always seem to fall short. In the moment, I’m there. But then that moment fades into the background of everything that comes after it and disappears.

That’s why i feel like I can’t make promises to people. Because I know there’s a good chance that I won’t follow through. 

That’s why I feel like I can’t tell someone what he wants to hear. Because I know there a chance I won’t come through for him.

So, I’m doing everything I can to make sure that if…and when…I do say what he wants to hear, that moment doesn’t fade into the background… and eventually disappear…like so many moments before. 

Gold (Flume Remix) | Chet Faker

Gold (Flume Remix) | Chet Faker

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