Promises | Ryn Weaver
I’m loving this track right now.
There’s something so hopeful and sweetly heartbreaking about it that really resonates with me. I was listening to it on the way to work this morning and put it on repeat. I don’t know why but this song is just getting to me.
Well…I know why.
I feel like say these words all time without actually saying them. I feel like I have the best intentions but somehow I always seem to fall short. In the moment, I’m there. But then that moment fades into the background of everything that comes after it and disappears.
That’s why i feel like I can’t make promises to people. Because I know there’s a good chance that I won’t follow through.
That’s why I feel like I can’t tell someone what he wants to hear. Because I know there a chance I won’t come through for him.
So, I’m doing everything I can to make sure that if…and when…I do say what he wants to hear, that moment doesn’t fade into the background… and eventually disappear…like so many moments before.