Whites Lies feat Jenni Potts | Odesza
Have you ever had one of those dreams?
One of those dreams with someone you used to to know. Someone you used to be with?
One of those dreams where you find yourself in this new, but strangely normal, situation with them? Where they seem like a different…well…better…version of themselves. And the two of seem like you could have the kind of relationship you wish you had?
But throughout the dream, no matter how nice everything seems, you have this unshakable fear with you wherever you go. A fear you so instinctively remember…from when you were with them in real life.
Have you ever woken up from one of those dreams and felt so confused, angry, sick, and emotionally drained that you feel like you didn’t get any sleep at all?
I wish I could say that last night was the first time I had a dream like that in the past few months. Or the second. Or the third. But I can’t.
All I can do is wonder how I can wake up feeling tangled in the weeds of my messy bed still after all these years.