Sassa and Back | Satin Jacket
I love chill tracks that have a beat that makes you move.
Because for as much as I need to chill out, I just can’t.
I remember meeting my friend Justin for the first time. It was the day after Halloween, and we were both recovering from our separate nights of fun. Kyla and I were standing, smoking (back when cigarettes were cool), and talking and after a while, just interrupted with “don’t y’all just wanna sit down?”
The things is I rarely do. And even when I do, I often can’t.
I’m always moving. Always going. I talk a lot. I think a lot. I question a lot. I dance until the music stops…and often after. I don’t need a lot of sleep. And when I do, it’s resteless.
I would love to be able to just sit down. To just chill. But it’s never been a strong suit of mine.
So instead, I’ll take a track like this.
One that calms me down and keeps me going at the same time.