Fatale | Nick AM
I don’t want to want you any more.
I don’t want to let you want me any more.
Oooooh this track is nice.
I’m a sucker for a track that takes an experience that made you miserable, and reminds you why it was so damn alluring in the first place.
Stop trying to look so innocent.
We both know you’re not heaven sent.
Bane of my existence.
Kissing me.
And running off with a piece of me
And this track is one of the best. That slow subtle build at the beginning. That incessant beat. Those haunting tones. And that bass that pounds in your chest. It’s like every element of this track is a layer of every thought, every question, every hesitation, every struggle, and every bad decision you mde with that person.
Who was I before you?
Before I adored you.
Before I got lost in the world trying to know you.
And then…at 2:08…it fucking goes there.
The look in her eyes said hold on to me. Don’t worry about a think just hold on to me. A roller coaster ride off her hips and her thighs. And her lips and her eyes and the twist of the lies. And the days and the nights. All the days til we learned this thing we had was nothing at all.
Damn Nick AM. I don’t wish these types of relationships of anyone. But thanks for making that pain and feel so fucking good.